Welcome to The Children's Place
Konnect HQ is a small-group-based curriculum that includes fun icebreakers, easy-to-lead small group activities, meaningful discussion, and active worship featuring songs generously provided by Church on the Move and Elevation Church. Weekly teaching episodes are full of humor and feature real-life kid challenges as the crew at Konnect HQ searches for biblical truth and models spiritual growth for first- through third-graders. Find everything you need to utilize Konnect HQ in your church, including: weekly videos, leader guides, small group guides, and more!

Click On the Picture to Connect with The Bible Adventure Training
The Bible Adventure Training
The Bible Adventure curriculum helps preschoolers get to know Jesus in the context of small group relationships. Each hour-long experience includes simple in-room illustrations, a video-teaching-based Bible Adventure for small groups to go on together, and an in-room review time that inspires wonder. Each unit asks a question, presents an engaging Bible story, and teaches a memorable Bible verse in a way that helps two-, three-, and four-year-olds apply spiritual truth to their everyday life.